Hugh Hewitt yesterday:
Barack Obama attempted to add Michelle Obama to the category of "those who may not be discussed," a room now full with Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, and Tony Rezko. [snip]Yes, and the blindness. Barack sees enemies, his allies "attacks" but this betrays his myopic and undemocratic world view. His fellow Americans are most despised and he gives the benefit of the doubt to state sponsors of terror and other very bad actors on the world stage. More background here, Barack. Steve Huntley:
The level of dishonesty at work here is large.
Barack Obama is an appeaser, blind to to the real threats we face, navel-gazing in the most loathsome tradition of the Blame America First peacenik Democrats.Barack Obama says the United States should not negotiate with Hamas "unless they recognize Israel, renounce violence and are willing to abide by previous accords" that Israel reached with neighboring Arab states and the Palestinians.
Which of those objections does not apply to Iran? The Democratic presidential candidate has said he's willing to meet, "without precondition," with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
UPDATE: Ed Morrissey , HotAir, on patriarchal condescension as concerns Michelle not so belle. Plus, the latest on "The Rumor".
UPDATE: RCP's Morning Roundup. Lots of talk on Obama's foreign policy blundering, with Mitt Romney on Fox, and on Michelle Obama, plus the state of the race. And Bret Stephens, WSJ, "Obama and the Jews".
UPDATE: Anne Applebaum thinks it's in poor taste to bring up Hitler and the Nazis. But in the case of North Korea the Clinton administration already gave them the wherewithal to develop nuclear weapons, and the current talks are multilateral, no summitry. And in the case of Iran, they have already openly and repeatedly threatened to annihilate Israel and are as yet undeterred in their development of nuclear weapons. As far as ultimate evil, even Hitler didn't threaten to obliterate an entire country.
It's liberals who cry wolf about Nazis, not conservatives. It's liberals who try to end the debate.
Related posts: Trib Propaganda for Obama, Jimmy Carter Obama, The Full Michelle, A Lard Omelet
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