Monday, May 12, 2008

Obama Struck Inarticulate

Obama struck inarticulate, or worse. Radical nuance not working here. Obama refers to our ally Israel as a "constant wound", a "constant sore" which "infects our foreign policy". Via Gateway Pundit.

And he puts on a flag pin to campaign in West Virginia. Tribune:
On Monday, Obama broke from his usual practice by sporting the flag pin on his suit jacket and reading his speech instead of talking without notes. He told several thousand people at the Charleston Civic Center that patriotism means more than saluting flags and holding parades.
Yeah, that stuff's so déclassé. He needs notes for a patriotic talk about America--unfamiliar language. He's gotta lecture us, not speak from the heart. The heartland of America is unfamiliar territory for Barack Obama.

UPDATE: Media bloggers Jake Tapper and Marc Ambinder, among others, are suggesting Republicans are twisting Obama's words. Sorry, but no--Barack Obama puts the onus on Israel--by his not recognizing the Islamofascist threat. It's not a "cycle of violence"--to use that tired old phrase liberals like to use for moral equivalence between terrorists who deliberately target civilians and hide behind the innocent, and the army of a democratic country which defends its citizens and targets terrorists. As Michael Goldfarb points out, which Ambinder at least acknowledges, Israel had nothing to do with numerous other terrorist attacks around the world against innocents. There is no "excuse" needed. And if it were just the Rev. Wright's anti-Semitic remarks, or church bulletins, that would be enough, (which took Obama 20 years to recognize and repudiate), but Obama also was very very slow to repudiate Louis Farrakhan, and he, in company with many Democrats, have been complicit in anti-Semitic sentiments commonly uttered on the Left, and which seem to have intensified. If you haven't seen this video, you should watch it now:

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