Thursday, May 15, 2008

You Wish

Liberals, pay attention. You don't like war, we are winning now, but just wait. If Obama has his way, if he becomes president. Look, I sang Let Peace Begin With Me in 8th grade, I campaigned for McGovern in Cambridge, Mass., I voted for Jimmy Carter, hey I was raised Democrat, --talk about being mugged by reality. Murdered more like. Michael Novak, NRO on Obama's America:
Given the historical record of the last 200 years (and more), what can we expect from this nursery-room fantasy? An untypical, even unprecedented era of peace? Or, on the contrary, the salivating determination of enemies to celebrate our visible moral weakness, and to slay their hated enemy while we bow our heads, standing there as weak and frightened supplicants? When a head is lowered from weakness, they strike it off.

In my experience, unwillingness to fight earns one contempt, further furies of terror, and truly bitter war. But perhaps other observers trust human nature more than I.
So are you gonna trust Barack Obama to keep us safe? You wish.

Already our enemies are emboldened. Think it couldn't happen here? But jihad has already come to America. Grim. A very grim future.

Life in America? Nanny-state poor. Nanny-state bossy. You may get your wish, liberals. You might not like it. But maybe Barack will wuss out. We can always hope.

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