Thursday, June 12, 2008

Out of Control

The Sun Times front page blares "Chicago Teachers Uncivil Union", a familiar story of unaccountable entitlement and excess. (I see the Sun Times bumped this story in later editions.)

Out of control.

Democrats and their union allies, the core of their party, controlling everything and managing nothing.

Kids pulled out of school for a pep rally
for more money (which gets national ridicule, and rightly so), used as props to lobby other Dems in Springfield as the state drowns in debt and profligate spending.

We pay the price--as taxpayers, as parents and as citizens of the once proud state of Illinois.

The governor is under threat of impeachment for corruption.

The Mayor commandeers Grant Park's historic public space for private gain.

Local gas taxes piled on top of gas prices eat us alive. Meanwhile the loony let's all live in a cave Eco-Lefties block a desperately needed refinery in Illinois--no fuel for you!

Wake up Illinois! Throw the Dem bums OUT!!!

UPDATE: One more--the governor helped his kids' private school:

Blagojevich wrote a letter signing off on the borrowing deal on Sept. 27, 2004, at the same time his wife was one of the school's 12 board members. The Finance Authority's board -- picked by Blagojevich -- unanimously approved the lending plan in November 2004.

The agency's chief at that time was Ali D. Ata. In April, Ata pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges and testified in the corruption case of former Blagojevich fund-raiser Tony Rezko. Ata told jurors he made hefty campaign contributions to Blagojevich to land his state job.

... even as the state blocks an expansion of much needed charter schools. The Illinois Policy Institute recently held a discussion with the CATO Institute on the topic, "What if school choice is a massive money saver as well?"

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