Monday, July 21, 2008

Latest Greenie Offensive

Embrace your inner cavedweller. That's the future in store for us if the left has its way. (Goracle adherents exposed below: video) The EPA has developed draconian rules to regulate greenhouse gas emissions (which we emit when we breathe), in the wake of the supremely silly Supreme Court decision of last spring. This may be held over until the next administration, but comment now, comment often, as you may not have another chance.

ANPR preamble by the EPA
administrator, who thankfully has some sense, but the greenie careerists there are on a rampage. Excerpt:
EPA's analyses leading up to this ANPR have increasingly raised questions of such importance that the scope of the agency's task has continued to expand. For instance, it has become clear that if EPA were to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles under the Clean Air Act, then regulation of smaller stationary sources that also emit GHGs--such as apartment buildings, large homes, schools and hospitals--could also be triggered.

One point is clear: the potential regulation of greenhouse gases under any portion of the Clean Air Act could result in an unprecedented expansion of EPA authority that would have a profound effect on virtually every sector of the economy and touch every household in the land.
It's Big Brother Big Green.

All this for the supposed global warming crisis, which is increasingly being discredited--wonder why the lefties now refer to "climate change", to obscure the issue:
After nine years of non-warming, the planet actually began to cool in 2007 and 2008 for the first time in 30 years. The net warming from 1940 to 1998 had been a miniscule 0.2 degree C; the UK’s Hadley Centre says earth’s temperature has now dropped back down to about the levels of 100 years ago. There has thus been no net global warming within “living memory”!
Also check out Iain Murray's book, The Really Inconvenient Truths: Seven Environmental Catastrophes Liberals Don't Want You to Know About--Because They Helped Cause Them.

Meanwhile, the NY Times is in love with leaves: "Leaves Speak; a Journalist Listens":
Mature, callow, tattered or freshly unfurled, her subjects stare forth from the page, exactly the same yet endlessly varied. Viewed on their own, they might be thought merely beautiful or occasionally odd. But as a group, they reveal a cross-section of diversity, their stories as complex as those of any human upon which Ms. Malcolm has cast her eye.
It's for the leaves.

Promised video:

--crossposted at UNCoRRELATED

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