Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Meeks Targets New Trier

Sun Times:

Mayor Daley said Tuesday he understands state Sen. James Meeks' frustration about the school funding disparity between rich and poor districts, but he said that doesn't justify an opening day boycott.

A South Side pastor with a huge congregation, Meeks has pledged to keep "several thousand" Chicago public school students out of class Sept. 2. Instead, he and fellow pastors will try to enroll them in the wealthy New Trier district in Winnetka.

Um, Rev. Meeks. It's mostly not the money. And you shouldn't have sold out to Rod Blagojevich. Good luck with the liberals at New Trier.

P.S. Does Barack know about this?:) Might cost him the love of some upscale liberals.

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