St. Paul City Atty. John Choisaid the city had already altered the parade schedule and mapped the route to get marchers "within the very shadows" of the arena where the convention will meet.Too close.
"I honestly don't know how to make these folks happy," Choi said.
Mark Silverstein, legal director of the ACLU of Colorado, attributed the restrictions to increased sensitivity about security since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. He said federal officials had initially labeled the parade route in Denver confidential because of national security concerns.
Spagnuolo, the Denver protest organizer, cited Saul Alinsky, a legendary Chicago organizer who was a major influence on Obama, to explain why liberal groups needed to protest at the convention nominating the Illinois senator.
Spagnuolo said Alinsky argued that activists would have a better chance of achieving their goals if they pressured people sympathetic to their cause. "You protest the person closest to your beliefs," he said.
P.S. Pix is of ball of nails thrown by anti-war protesters in Chicago in 1968. Photos are from the Tribune files.
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