Saturday, July 12, 2008

Speak Up Against Sales Tax!

Dear Evanston Republicans and Friends:

Events are moving at the speed of pollitics--Sunday, at Noon, Tony Peraica will hold a press conference in Evanston outside of Cook County Commissioner's Larry Suffredin's office at 820 Davis Street, Evanston, IL.
The purpose is garner support & publicity for the motion Peraica wants to introduce at the next Cook County Commissioner's meeting on July 23rd to repeal the sales tax increase that went into effect July 1.
You will recall that it was Suffredin's change of vote that allowed the measure to pass.
Peraica is seeking business owners to speak out on the impact of the sales tax increase that raised this county to the highest rate in the nation.

Please call me right away if you can attend, and if you are willing to speak.
Linda LaFianza
Evanston GOP Committeeman

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