Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Invisible Hand

Barack Obama's latest ad, "Hands". Saw it during the Olympics. Disembodied, floating around, kind of like those "Planes" that magically appeared over Berlin to liberate Berliners in the supposed One World (at the advent of the Cold War. Don't know much about history.) Hands.

Whose hands are they anyway? Americans'. What built this country? American love of freedom and ingenuity, based on capitalism. You might say capitalism and democracy go hand in hand.

The invisible hand is the market, based on millions of individual decisions, made by flesh and blood people. Americans. Jobs are not "created" by government fiat. If they are, they will cost us dearly. All of us. Does Barack Obama know who we are?

What country is Obama running to "lead" anyway? Do we know? Does he?

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