Monday, September 15, 2008

New York in Play?!!!

UPDATES below. Obama inflated resume, etc.***May be a landslide loss for the Big O of McGovernite proportions.

If New York is in play, could Illinois be too?

Probably not, McGovern won his home state--but then Barack Obama's party the Dems run just about everything here and have been a miserable failure. Latest case in point.

Of course he could win it with fraud.

P.S. Charles Krauthammer in the Trib today:
The problem is that Obama began believing in his own magical powers—the chants, the swoons, the "we are the ones" self-infatuation. Like Ronald Reagan, he was leading a movement, but one entirely driven by personality. Reagan's revolution was rooted in concrete political ideas (supply-side economics, welfare-state deregulation, national strength) that transcended one man. For Obama's movement, the man is the transcendence.

Which gave the Obama campaign a cult-like tinge.
And lefties mock Sarah Palin's religion.

UPDATE: Obama moves past hope.(Like the headline:) The Politico in Chicago. Barack is spending a lot of time raising money these days. Chicago Tribune. AP at Obama HQ. It's in the priciest part of the Loop, on Michigan Ave. Guess they think they have money to spare. Some sharp elbows are out:
Meeting rooms are at a premium and so are chairs — some people label theirs to protect their real estate.
Barack is conferring with Axelrod. Black bag. Is there a doctor in the house? Barack's secret plan:) And poor old CBS is worried about Barack.

UPDATE: Sarah Palin is a factor in the McCain campaign success. Doubtless that's why she inspires such crazed, over the top reaction from Dems. But there's more to it, it's the message. Howard Dean's campaign guru, Joe Trippi. The outcome is in doubt, and this:
Now the Obama campaign and its allies need to understand that in arguing that John McCain represents a third term of George Bush and the GOP agenda it is the Obama campaign that risks sounding partisan in a country that yearns for the post-partisanship of "country first" and "shaking things up in Washington".
Because frankly, Barack Obama and his Chicago machine politicos didn't shake up Chicago, and they won't shake up Washington. They are part of the problem. They may have been able to fool people in Illinois where they run everything (and manage nothing).

But as Honest Abe of Illinois said, back when Illinois was honest, you can't fool all the people all of the time.

UPDATE: More news of Obama's inflated (and radical) resume. Dan Curry, Reverse Spin:
The Chicago Tribune, the newspaper of record in Chicago, still can’t find this item on his resume. The grant, by the way, was made possible by unrepentent domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who kicked off Obama’s political career at a cozy left-wing gathering in Hyde Park. We still have no idea why Obama got the coveted chairmanship of this foundation because no member of the MSM will ask him.
There is also new video with old illuminating clips.

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