Monday, September 22, 2008

Palin Power Wins Women

A huge shift to Sarah Palin documented by Lifetime TV's latest poll. The Politico:
Since picking Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain has obliterated what had been a 34-percentage-point deficit in a poll of likely women voters on the question of which candidate has a “better understanding of women and what is important” to them.

The two are now effectively tied, with McCain's 44 to 42 percentage lead within the margin of error of the most recent poll conducted by pollsters Kellyanne Conway and Celinda Lake for Lifetime Television. In Lifetime's July poll, women preferred Barack Obama on the same question by nearly three-to-one— 52 to 18 percent.
One in four of Hillary's voters are going McCain-Palin on this key question. The economy is still the top issue, though, so the challenge for the GOP is to close the gap there. Obama's Chicago machine ties and his high tax plans may be the way home.

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