Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sarah, in spite of the press

More media bias. Perky Katie purses her lips. I watched the tape and thought the same thing. Bill Dyer, Townhall:
No vice presidential nominee in American history — not even J. Danforth Quayle — has been so viciously and unethically savaged by the mainstream media press corps as Sarah Palin. To her considerable credit, she's nevertheless continued to make herself more and more available to their shenanigans, however. And increasingly, it's the old-media sharks who are being discredited in the public eye.

When Katie Couric demanded that Gov. Palin instantly summon up a verbal summary of John McCain's 26-year history as a legislator, detailing the instances in which he's supported government regulation or oversight of programs, Gov. Palin must have been tempted to pull a Dan Aykroyd-to-Jane Curtin reprise: "Katie, you ignorant slut! You couldn't possibly answer that question yourself off the top of your head, and neither could anyone else, including John McCain. Virtually every bill creating or affecting a government program involves striking a balance between the proper degree of freedom and regulation, and we'd be here for hours if anyone even tried to give you a literal and comprehensive answer to that question. So please, drop the switchblade and act like a real journalist again, will ya?" Instead, Gov. Palin politely said that she's have to get back to Ms. Couric on that.
Yeah, lucky for Katie she's asking the questions, not answering them. I could think of one answer to that question--campaign finance reform, but most in McCain's party don't think that was a good idea, and it was a good thing Palin didn't offer it. And she doesn't necessarily accept the premise of the questions of the press--that's showing savvy and a refreshing honesty.

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