Sunday, September 28, 2008

Who's Afraid of Strong Women?

Gee. Longtime champion of working women Tribune columnist Mary Schmich patronizes Sarah Palin, claiming McCain "seduced her".

I blame Bill for letting Hillary run before she was ready.

P.S. Populist diva Erin Brockovich, up until now the darling of so-called "progressives" like Schmich, thinks Governor Palin is a strong woman who doesn't back down.

Could it be liberals are afraid of strong women?

P.P.S. Apparently Andrew is still on a witch hunt. A little lesson in history and current events:
  • Many of Alaska's native peoples who lived in the regions colonized by Russia have Russian surnames, stemming from the days when they were colonial subjects of the czar and many intermarried. Russian names mark Alaska's geographical landscape.

  • Russian Orthodox "Old Believers" who emigrated from the Soviet Union have their own old-style Russian villages in Alaska.

  • Except during the Cold War, Alaska and Russian natives on either side of the Bering Strait carried on with routine visits, seasonal festivals and subsistence trade.

  • During the Cold War, Alaskans referred to the closed border between Russia and Alaska as the "Ice Curtain." Their goal: to melt the Ice Curtain.

  • The University of Alaska has more Russian students at its campuses than any other university in the United States.

  • Much of the flora and fauna and geology in Alaska are similar to the Russian Far East and eastern Siberia.

  • Alaska serves as the U.S. gateway for all flights between the Russian Far East and the United States.

And once again. Gov. Palin is making common sense and modest remarks--it's liberals who keep blowing her remarks out of proportion. And since when are governors expected to negotiate trade deals, Katie? And um, Hillary's foreign policy experience was going on trips as First Lady. As for Bill's? He had none, other than an incomplete at Oxford. La di da. (Then there's that habitual liar and blowhard Joe Biden). As for Barack, until his belated trip to Iraq and his triumph in Berlin, he "majored in international relations". (Of course there is his foreign fan club.)

Info: Alaska 2007 export report. [see page 19 concerning numerous delegations] US Dept. of Commerce report here.

UPDATE: Bill Dyer, Townhall with observations on Alaska's proximity to Russia, including this:
And among all state governors, the governor of Alaska — as the state leader with closest continual proximity to a hostile foreign state — does indeed have responsibilities and obtain defense briefings beyond those received by, for example, the governor of Arkansas (which need not fear hostile bomber overflights from Missouri). No one can seriously argue that this compares to actually being the POTUS. But it's not nothing, either. And of executive experience in general, or experience personally making decisions that have put anyone's lives on the line in particular, "nothing" is the exactly appropriate description for both Sens. Obama and Biden, because neither member of the Democratic Party's ticket can match Gov. Palin's experience of that sort (or any other state governor's, for that matter).
UPDATE: Barack is ready? Please. HT Don Surber.

We know what Sarah was trying to say. Her words actually mean things.

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