Friday, October 31, 2008

Barack Obama's Blackmail Factor

You know, we recently had a tape emerge, after years in the shadows, with Sen. John McCain. But there was nothing damaging there, it showed Sen. McCain as a prisoner of the Viet Cong. John McCain's life is an open book. But Barack Obama's? If there is an October surprise it will be of his own making, though he has practically the entire MSM doing damage control for him--PR for the Politburo in training. Claudia Rosett raises a very disturbing point:
There’s a huge and much-overlooked reason for filling in those gaps in Barack Obama’s resume, and letting America’s voters see any and all tapes, transcripts and other documentation of his career and friendships — and fast. It’s called the potential for blackmail.[snip]

This is not to accuse anyone of planning to lever any still-secret information into undue influence over the Oval Office. But the best defense against that kind of thing in politics has always been genuine and full disclosure.

Take, for instance, the mysteries surrounding the refusal of the Los Angeles Times to release the video of the 2003 Khalidi dinner – Obama’s toasts and all. The people who were there know what Obama actually said, or applauded — or whatever actually happened. The source who gave the video to the LA Times knows (and it’s an intriguing question, why, if nothing untoward took place, a source would want confidentiality for providing a video of a festive and well-attended dinner). Obama knows — he was there. But the American public does not know.

It is not John McCain and Fox News who should be left to argue the case for a public airing of that tape. In the interest of good faith in asking the trust of American voters, it is Obama himself who should be trying to dig up it up, unedited; and in public, let it roll.

Yes, Obama was there--he knows what happened--don't you Barack. Just like you didn't fess up that you were there and made a toast to Nadhmi Auchi at Tony Rezko's house in Wilmette--an event that finally came out when Stuart Levine testified about it during the Rezko trial. Now the convicted Rezko is facing sentencing--and has started singing. What else does Rosett mention? Barack Obama's dealings with Tony Rezko on the purchase of Obama's house. John Batchelor, Human Events credits GOP Mom, who has discovered the existence of a restrictive covenant for the side yard, um adjacent lot Rezko purchased. That lot was zoned for multifamily development, and the covenant was an add on to limit development to single family. Read it all.

You may recall Rosett was the leading reporter on the UN Oil for Food Scandal, which also involved Auchi. One comment on Batchelor's post sums it up:

Bottom line: The purchase of the lot by Rita Rezko was a gift to Obama -- not unlike the gifts Ted Stevens was just found guilty of accepting.
Barack Obama is already intimidating the press, throwing them off his campaign plane, but it would be a sad day for democracy and the Fourth Estate if they are complicit in this cover-up and we are only left to rely on one US attorney in Chicago... who can be fired by the next president.

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