Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Can we entrust our country?

Character counts. Whom you choose as your friend matters. And Barack Obama may have been 8 when Bill Ayers was bombing America but he was an adult when he came to Chicago and chose Bill Ayers as his first political mentor. Then, on Sept. 11th, and to this day, Bill Ayers is unrepentant. Peter Wehner, Commentary:

What applies to 10-year-olds also applies to presidential candidates.

Over the years, Barack Obama hung around with some pretty disturbing characters, and what we’re talking about aren’t isolated incidents. It has happened with a slew of people on a range of issues. He has connected himself with domestic terrorists (William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn), with an anti-American and racist minister (Jeremiah Wright), and with corrupt people (Antoin “Tony” Rezko) and organizations (ACORN). What we see, then, is a pattern.

What we see makes many of us deeply uneasy. Can we entrust our country to a man who values its traditions so little, excuses vile bigotry so easily and holds the public trust so lightly?

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