Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dems Use Government as a Weapon

Ohio official and Obama backer Helen Jones-Kelley OK'd a search of Joe the Plumber's government records. Columbus Dispatch:

Ohio’s inspector general is investigating why a state agency director approved checking the state child-support computer system for information on “Joe the Plumber.”

Helen Jones-Kelly, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, confirmed today that she OK’d the check on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher following the Oct. 15 presidential debate.

She said there were no political reasons for the check on the sudden presidential campaign fixture though the Support Enforcement Tracking System.

Amid questions from the media and others about “Joe the Plumber,” Jones-Kelley said she approved a check to determine if he was current on any ordered child-support payments. [snip]

The use of a state computer system to search for information on Wurzelbacher is the fourth uncovered by The Dispatch.

The new Barack Obama regime is here already in Ohio--its Dem governor sees nothing wrong with this. Using government as a weapon against Joe Wurzelbacher. Where's the ACLU? Silly question.

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