Don't be ridiculous. Questions about Obama's judgment on Bill Ayers, to mention only one of his unsavory friends, are entirely legitimate--soft on unrepentant domestic terrorist Ayers, soft on Ahmadinejad. Even SNL has their doubts.
Barack Obama has not been vetted. We have only his word for many particulars of his life, and often not even that.
And when pundits on the Left and Democrat leader Sen. Harry Reid play the race card--fanning this kind of ugliness and accusing Americans asking legitimate questions about Fannie and Freddie--that is the real disservice. What are they afraid of? That we will see through The One's magical thinking?
I have some fears of my own. Barry Obamski has a lot to answer for.
UPDATE: John Leo, CityJournal, "The Power of One: Liberal media transforms a single bigot at a Sarah Palin rally into a racist mob."
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