Early voting has started in many states. You can
do your part to protect one citizen, one vote!
Join the Voter Fraud Squad:
This group is a non-profit, non-partisan group designed to connect and empower citizen journalists, bloggers, grassroots activists and average, every day voters to expose, investigate and record incidents of voter fraud and voter suppression in their neighborhoods, precincts, counties and states. Voter Fraud Squad seeks to make sure that this election is as fair as possible for everyone involved.
The right to vote is a civil right. The right to have your vote count -- that is, not cancelled out by someone who is voting illegally, voting multiple times, or voting in the wrong location -- is part of that civil right. Its up to Americans -- not the mainstream media and certainly not the political parties -- to ensure that this precious civil right is protected from all sorts of shenanigans by all sorts of people.
The 2008 elections are going to be extremely close. It is our belief that vote fraud and vote suppression -- whether on election day, before or after -- is a main contributor to inaccurate election results. In order to preserve the integrity of our elections and ensure that the winner of this election is the TRUE winner, whoever that may be!
Write a blog post and link it here.
Find a news story.
Take a photo or a video of vote fraud and suppression in your area.
Twitter it with the hashtag "#voterfraud."
Update the Voter Integrity Project's wiki.
Don't just sit there. DO something.
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