Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Media Blackout on Rezko for Obama

Continued MSM malpractice. Where are the headlines on the revelation of the subpoena? Where's the follow up? Dan Curry, Reverse Spin.

And if the land value of the side yard was inflated, and Rita Rezko paid full price while Obama paid $300,000 less for his house, to the same seller--the likelihood of a favor is much higher.

P.S. Another example, NBC. CNN rips a quote on Palin out of context. And they wonder why citizens are upset when they attack an ordinary citizen for asking a question they won't ask. We see the bias, we live with it every day. We have lived with it for years. Years. It is shameful. Dishonorable. Deeply deceitful and damaging to a free society. Apropos to this, Powerline:
Our existing news organizations--the New York Times, the Associated Press, NBC, CNN, CBS, and so on--can't be reformed, they can only be ignored. It is time for conservatives, libertarians, moderates, and normal citizens who are interested in straightforward reporting of the news to build their own news organizations in competition with the corrupt ones that now exist.

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