Friday, October 31, 2008

Vote for Joe, America

Battleground, Strategic Vision (Pa.), RCP average, Obama under that critical 50th percentile. Sarah challenging in Pennsylvania. And in Missouri only 65% of blacks are for Obama?!! We're on the air, we're on the ground. Joe the Plumber from Toledo, on the stump in Ohio for McCain-Palin:
Then, Wurzelbacher took the stage with a passion that matched what the audience had shown for the candidate.

"The only thing I've been saying is just get out and get informed. I mean really know what you're talking about when you're talking about it,” he said. “Don't take everyone's opinions. I came to my own opinions by research. Get involved in the government. That way we can hold our politicians accountable and take back our government.”

After the rally, Wurzelbacher worked the rope line, shaking hands and signing autographs. Before a modest crowd in Elyria, later in the day, Wurzelbacher encouraged Ohioans to vote for McCain, who he called “a real American.” And in Mentor, Ohio, a 3,000-person crowd chanted “Joe the Plumber” until he took the mike.
The Obama campaign and their supporters tried to destroy Joe the Plumber. Obama and the Chicago Boys. Don't let it happen America, no, no, no--vote for Joe, vote McCain-Palin, vote for the America we know and love--the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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