Thursday, October 09, 2008

Who Wrote Dreams From My Father?

omg, is this the next Big Lie of Barack Obama? Jack Cashill, The American Thinker:
Prior to 1990, when Barack Obama contracted to write Dreams From My Father, he had written very close to nothing. Then, five years later, this untested 33 year-old produced what Time Magazine has called -- with a straight face -- "the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician."

The public is asked to believe Obama wrote Dreams From My Father on his own, almost as though he were some sort of literary idiot savant. I do not buy this canard for a minute, not at all.
omg--who do you think the author is!!!!?????

It is the logical flow of thought from those of us who have been looking at this guy for at least the last two years--here is the last update from my previous Obama post before I surfaced to find the Cashill piece:
Obama accuses the McCain campaign of personal attacks and attempting to score "cheap political points" on Bill Ayers. Well. Now this is sure to come up in the next debate:
The McCain campaign has presented Obama as an untested and unknown political figure, but Obama said, "the notion that people don't know who I am is a little hard to swallow." "I've been running for president for the last two years. I've campaigned in 49 states. Millions of people have heard me speak at length on every topic under the sun. I've been involved now in 25 debates, going on my 26th. And I've written two books which any -- everybody who reads them will say are about as honest a set of reflections by, at least, a politician as are out there," Obama said.
Hey Barack--how come this stuff isn't in your books? You yourself have said they are composite characters or something. Who is Barack Obama? We can't ask Bill Ayers--he won't talk. How come you tell your friends and those who disagree with you to shut up? How come so many of your records have been kept secret by you?
All Obama has is his biography--that's what he's running on--The One. The BIG LIE!!!

HT Mick Stockinger who has had his suspicions for some time. Read his post.

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