Monday, November 17, 2008

Educated and Moderate

Something for Barack to ponder as we draw down in Iraq--the most educated and moderate of its citizens (who see the value of working with our troops to enforce the peace) are often the most at risk at a time of transition:
The U.S. military has barred Iraqi interpreters working with American troops in Baghdad from wearing ski masks to disguise themselves, prompting some to resign and others to bare their faces even though they fear it could get them killed.

Many interpreters employed by the U.S. government and Western companies do everything they can to avoid being recognized on the job because extremists have tortured and killed Iraqis accused of collaborating with the enemy.

"The terps are the No. 1 wanted here," said A.J., a 36-year-old military interpreter, using the shorthand for his profession. "More than the Americans. More than anyone."

The interpreters have come to symbolize the bravery of Iraqis who have aided the American project in Iraq. About 300 U.S. military interpreters have been killed since 2003...
The risk is not theoretical, discussed in a detached manner in a safe office setting.

UPDATE: Hugh Hewitt, Will Obama Preserve the Iraq Victory?

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