That fissure neatly separates the Waxman Democrats from the old vanguard that Mr. Dingell represents. He was first elected in 1955 and has always tried to protect his hometown Detroit auto makers from the eco-mandates that ultimately helped to land them in their present predicament. Mr. Dingell's rough-hewn candor about the realities of "doing something" about climate change also helped to make him a green pariah. He knows that carbon regulation and taxes will fall most heavily on domestic manufacturing and Midwest states that rely on coal-fired power. His sympathies lie with the people who work near (or in) factories and drive Fords or Chevys.
Mr. Waxman, speaking for the upscale precincts of Beverly Hills, wants to phase out coal and cars that use gasoline. The coastal elites who now dominate Democratic politics will happily trade the blue collar for the green collar.
As Barack's chief of staff, is Rahmbo going to rein in these liberals or harness them for a huge government expansion built on our taxpaying backs? Looks like Big Green has a green light, and Rahm and Barack are hanging back letting the stock market free fall. Illinois is already an economic basket case under Dem "leadership", as is Michigan.
And Sen. McCain? Please don't reward our support by becoming a pawn on unworkable and expensive carbon caps.
The new green yoke, choking off economic recovery all in thrall to a dubious threat.
P.S. We can create jobs by drilling in the US and building nuclear power plants--private sector expansion.
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