Sunday, November 02, 2008

Obama's Double Vision

Note the logos side by side. The one on the left is that of the Weather Underground. Kind of uncanny, huh. Just floating around the neighborhood or something. Via LGF, (which has the PDF now of Bill Ayers' version of the communist manifesto Prairie Fire--a declaration of war against the US. He dedicated the book to RFK's assassin Sirhan, Sirhan, among others), Zombie has unearthed this:
Zomblog has obtained an extremely rare copy of the first issue of Osawatomie, a newspaper published by the Weather Underground in 1975. Noteworthy passages are reproduced below, along with exact transcriptions. The full pages, with each passage in context in high resolution, are found at the bottom of this post.

Much of Osawatomie, which was written at a time when the Dohrn-Ayers wing of the Weather Underground was transitioning from terrorism to “working from the inside” for revolution, concerns itself with the need to encourage “organizers” who will work in “communities” and use “audacity” to bring about “socialism” in America.

Don’t believe me? Read the quotes for yourself, and see them in context on the full pages below.

"Revolutionaries must be organizers". It's Obama's double vision, a stealth socialist for radical change.

Final note--Ayers' new book on white racism, coming out next summer, has the old logo woven into the cover illustration. Creepy stuff.

UPDATE: And this (!? unbelievable):

Thanks to all of you for your hard work. Wow, just wow.
I got to thinking, Obama has a hidden background image at his official site. It looks like a seal much like the Great Seal of the United States. Instead of 13 arrows(which the official seal shows) only 1 arrow is present and it appears to be piercing the shield. The eagle?(weird looking bird) is facing backwards and the wheat appears to be falling away.

Underground logo - one arrow
Obama seal? - one arrow

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