Monday, December 08, 2008

Magic Wand Politics

CBS2 Chicago:
Lawmakers and civil rights leaders are trying to help save hundreds of jobs at Republic Windows and Doors, which closed late last week.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson and U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky met Sunday with union workers as they were in the third day of a sit-in protest. CBS 2's Pamela Jones was there.
Is this productive? Will these actions bring any jobs back? And as far as I know, Obama has no entrepreneurs on his econ team, you know, people who actually create jobs, not just move around deck chairs while taxpayers pay the price.

Lawmakers and "civil rights" leaders. Do you Dems think you can wave a magic wand?
"Number one, I think that these workers, if they have earned these benefits and their pay, then these companies need to follow through on those commitments," Obama said during an appearance. "And number two, I think it is important for us to make sure that moving forward, any economic plan that we put in place helps businesses to meet payroll so that we're not seeing these kinds of circumstances again.
Donate to your favorite charity folks--the ones that actually help people. Most Americans dig deeper to help a neighbor in need--why waste it on pols and parasites?

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