Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Vision Thing

The Morning Edition host of NPR, in his "witty" way is already worried it's all downhill from here for the Obamessiah administration, given the current sky-high approval rating. WaPo with the Gallup poll here.

As Juan Williams puts it, Barack "has to trust in his own brilliance", but with all the Clintonistas on board now, he may have a tough time imposing his vision on them--which he's told us is his role.

George H. W. Bush had problems with the "vision thing" but he had years of experience of his own to draw on, and proven leadership. You have to wonder who will really be running the country.

And given his bait and switch on so many positions the vision thing is very suspect.

P.S. George Will is irritable with Obama's cowardly jobs number:
Because the economy's job-creation is not quite as predictable as a solar eclipse, Obama, by promising 2.5 million jobs by 2011, is a bit more audacious than was Mark Twain's Connecticut Yankee, who astonished King Arthur's court by commanding an eclipse that he knew was due. Still, because scores of millions of today's jobs will exist two years from now, who will be able to dispute a presidential claim that administration policies "saved" some portion of them?

--crossposted from Anatreptic

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