Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What do you NObama?

I was on a blogger conference call a little bit ago and asked RNC Chairman Duncan, given Barack Obama's habit of secrecy, including his Illinois legislative records, what should Obama disclose. Duncan reiterated the President-Elect needs to release his team's contacts with Governor Blagojevich, address (recent revelations) his relationship with Rezko and specifically whether his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel was involved in discussions with the governor of Illinois on the Senate pick.

Once again, the Sun Times' Lynn Sweet today on MSNBC:
“The Obama administration just issued a new transparency policy last week. If there were conversations at all with anyone, I think this is what it means to be transparent. If anyone said anything, even in a low level, they need to be able to talk about it and live with the consequences. If this is indeed his transparency, it's not just transparency by press release but transparency by deed.” (MSNBC, 12/10/08)

What do you know, Barack Obama? Walk the walk.

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