Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What Fools

John Kass this morning, Blago's not a jester, he's no fool, and this:
That talk about transcending race was just talk. Skin pigment trumps ideas, and Blagojevich, who may be facing a jury soon, wants all the friends he can get.

Of course, Tuesday's fiasco could have been avoided. Democrats in the state legislature could have stripped Blagojevich of his appointment powers and imposed a special election. Obama also could have demanded it. But as he has done so often in his career, Obama avoided a confrontation and looked the other way.
You're looking at the disgraceful and dysfunctional Democrats of Illinois, as the state slides into the cellar. But The One is ensconced in Washington--that's change he can believe in. As for the rest of us, as an honest son of Illinois once said, in the barely remembered past, you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time... That's where we are now.

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