Emanuel was supposed to be brilliant enough to deal with the dirty politics without getting stuck. He's been talking to Blago's people. He's on the Fed's tapes, confirmed, though not a "target." Not yet anyway. (He is after all a very smooth operator of long standing, having served in the Clinton administration before returning home to the Chicago Machine to get him his seat.) Barack needed someone to keep the slime at arm's length. The Obama White House is definitely bloodied by this--how can Rahmbo be the enforcer to Dems to fall in line on the Hill if he himself is under a Fitz cloud. The Times:
Grover Norquist, an influential conservative tax reform lobbyist, said: “If Obama wants to be squeaky clean, he is going to have to cut all his Chicago friends loose. His chief of staff has fingerprints on the murder weapon.”Well, Rahm has been known to throw a few knives around. Ah yes:
However, questions remain over what Emanuel said when and how much he know about the governor’s “pay to play” scheme. He may have been fully aware of what Blagojevich was attempting. At one stage the governor told an aide that he wanted an unnamed “president-elect adviser”, thought to be Emanuel, to help “raise 10, 15m” for a charitable group, which the governor could head.
Did Emanuel receive the news, and if so, how? Did he report his suspicion of illegal activity to the FBI or did he treat it just as a normal part of wheeler-dealing in the corrupt Windy City? And did he use the same four-letter language to discuss the succession in the same crude terms as Blagojevich?
Blago is lawyering up. Is Rahmbo next? Will No Drama Obama throw Rahm under the bus? (Is there a pattern here?)
P.S. And then there's Tony Rezko and the haunted Obama house. Not to mention potty-mouth Patti. So many players to keep track of.
Fortunately the tapes will help:)
P.S. Sounds like a Dem culture of corruption to me--bigtime. Stay tuned.
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