Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Burris Hot Potato for Bambi

UPDATE: The Brits at The Economist take the opportunity for a juicy summary of events--well, in dry British style.***Huffpo editor Thomas Edsall is worried about the political fallout for Obambi of Burris pursuing the Senate seat. And after his pay to play investigation downfall, who will replace Bill Richardson at Commerce? Will it be Bill Daley?

Edsall suggests eeevil conservatives are making politial hay. But maybe if you leftie new media plus the MSM had even done cursory vetting of your Dem candidates some of this could have been forestalled.

Then again, as Edsall admits, the Obambi team is having to cast a wide net to find someone squeaky clean for the Commerce post. I somehow think it won't be the Mayor's brother, who is being unusually circumspect these days.

P.S. Jonah Goldberg:
Such scandals are subjected to enormous double standards by many in the anti-Bush news media. But at least one of those double standards is defensible. The party in power warrants — and gets — more scrutiny than the other guys. Well, the Democrats now dominate American politics in a way they haven't since the 1960s, if not the 1930s. Suddenly, a Democratic "culture of corruption" seems like a pretty easy story to write, thanks only in part to the most enjoyable — and therefore un-ignorable — scandal of the 21st century so far: Blagopalooza. Wiretaps, grotesque corruption, the race card, R-rated dialogue and hair you can see from space: What's not to love?

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