Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Orwellian-Alinsky Dems

The DCCC is whipping up a petition to make Rush Limbaugh public enemy number one--it's un-American apparently, to disagree with Dem policies, no matter how harmful you believe they might be for the country.

This is the Dems' standard sleazy playbook, and it's astonishing they've resorted to it so soon, but then their Dear Leader has led them here--it took Bill Clinton longer than a week to go after El Rushbo. So here we have ad-hominem, personal attacks by Democrats--because they can't engage on the issues, and they even have to take Rush clearly out of context to try to come up with something--kind of Orwellian don't you think? Kind of Alinsky-like. Rush to judgment indeed.

Sign the reverse petition, support Rush--say something nice for free speech, for America.

P.S. Rush responds, via Newsbusters. More today. And let's also note that Rush is a private citizen, earning his living--he's not running for office. Isn't it a bit creepy that the president and his official congressional campaign organ are trying to stifle the free speech of a private citizen? Chilling isn't it. Where's the ACLU to fight Big Brother?

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