New York, New York
Contact: Beth GIlinsky
New York, January 4, 2008 -- The Jewish Action Alliance is calling on the leaders of all American Jewish organizations, and particularly Malcolm Hoenlein and the constituent groups of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, not to delay further in working together to call a major demonstration in support of Israel.
"As pro-Hamas and pro-jihadist activists organize hateful anti-Semitic rallies here in America and around the globe, it is incumbent upon Jewish leadership to stand together powerfully in solidarity with Israel in her defensive war against Palestinian Arab terrorism and Islamist threats calling for Israel's destruction," stated Action Alliance president Beth Gilinsky yesterday.
"Further, Jewish leaders must immediately and vigorously address the disturbing new phenomenon of Muslim Americans and their supporters using the public streets of America to threaten rape, torture and long-suffering death to Jewish bystanders, something never before seen in the history of America. Where are the "Never Again!" Jewish leaders when dangerous circumstances demand their action?"
Gilinsky notes the following report posted this week by journalist Phyllis Chesler:.
"The war against Israel has gone global, not at the United Nations, (that’s old and terrible trouble), but at a new, grassroots level. The goon squad demonstrations against Israel that are taking place on every continent are not composed of peaceful demonstrators. The hate-Israel and hate-America protesters are essentially attackers on the march who are spoiling for a hot verbal and even hotter physical confrontation with their opponents. They mean to empty the streets of anyone with views that differ from their own.
"Now,,,grassroots “attack” groups, organized by mosques, Muslim student and civil rights groups and by their left-wing allies, are on the march. They curse, they scream, their faces are contorted by rage, they make hand gestures which approximate “shooting” and “throat cutting.” ...
"And without shame, and with great pleasure, the protestors call Jews: pigs, apes, donkeys, vermin, and faggots. They hurl curses at their far more sedate opponents. They threaten to rape their opponent’s mothers and visit a slow and painful death upon their opponents’ wives and children. They shoot their arms out in a “Seig Heil” Hitler salute. “Nuke Israel” screamed one young woman in hijab, over and over again in Ft. Lauderdale. “F–k you Jew” was also a favorite chant."
12 30pm
Israeli Consulate, 42nd Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues
Sponsored by: Fuel for Truth, UJA, AJC, ZOA, CJC-Amcha, Act for America, Jewish Action Alliance, National Council of Young Israel, AFSI, Mothers Against Terrorism, Students for Peace in the Middle East, Betar, Yeshiva University Center for the Jewish Future, Aish , Hasbara Fellowships, Northeast Queens JCC, Westchester Jewish Conference and more.
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