Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blago Opens Up

Blago back on the airwaves with Don and Roma this morning. You can listen or Zorn has the text. It starts out this way:
Here’s a little example, an insight I’d like to share, how the system works. They give these speeches and they act like they’re so moral.

There’s a prominent legislative leader, OK, you know, who was going to work with us on a couple of issues. But, you know, this is very common, he has a little laundry list of stuff he wants, and among these things—this is how the system in Springfield works, where a bunch of these lawmakers go down to Springfield, nobody even knows who they are, they’re away from their families, it’s a whole different world down there, a bunch of them are cheating on their spouses, a lot of them drink in excess, very few of them know what’s going on.

They just take their marching orders from legislative leaders, and then the legislative leaders (have) got to do things for them so that they can keep `em happy. [snip]

And I feel like in many ways I can provide insights now that I’m not governor that I couldn’t as governor because you’ve got to work with those people, that I think in the long run can be very helpful to the people of Illinois to know how their government works and how it screws them for the benefit of those who make the rules.

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