Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama Breaks Another Promise

A tax cut deferred, Ben Smith, The Politico:

The focus on tax cuts was central to Obama's campaign against John McCain, and his surprising strength in polls on the question of taxes.

One of those promised cuts -- the second bullet point in his campaign economic plan -- was a pledge to "eliminate all capital gains taxes on startup and small businesses to encourage innovation and job creation."

That cut has been deferred, a Republican source notes: The elimination only begins phasing in, according to the budget overview (page 122) in 2014, well into Obama's second term.

Barack Obama breaks another promise, and this is a big one. He wants us to reelect him I guess, yeah that's it.

It's raining in Chicago. Are you crying yet? Or are you mad as hell. Barack Obama wants to kill our dreams and wants us to smile while we salute the Dear Leader.
Chicago Tea Party tomorrow at 11, Daley Plaza.

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