They may have all those Clinton retreads on hand, but it's not I feel your pain, no, no, no as the Rev. Wright would say, it's I fuel your pain. Even Hillary is on board, over in Europe being a gaffe a minute, hapless, Ugly American, saying publicly, never waste a good crisis--echoing Rahmbo and on Saturday, our President Barack Obama said this time of crisis posed a "great opportunity"
So the NY Times has a front page story on our President Barack Obama's chief propagandist David Axelrod, a New York transplant who came to Chicago years ago to join and put a happy face on the corrupt Dem machine--an odyssey followed by our President Barack Obama when he chose to start his political career in this rotten milieu. Axelrod is a busy guy with our President Barack Obama's ear--he says he's not politicizing the White House, he's not pushing polling and the permanent campaign over governing, no, no, no! Even the NY Times remains unconvinced (maybe they're worried about job security with their bankrupt paper):
But the Wednesday night meetings suggest that the strong belief in polling and focus groups from the campaign are alive in the White House.Message to our President Barack Obama and his team--focus the fire hose on our economy! Fix the banks--how about a plan--is it secret or something?--cut the pork and cut taxes! And stop trying to destroy our way of life--is it too much to ask? We know you view us all as existing for the greater glory of YOUR STATE but ---Ask not what your country can do for you our President Barack Obama--ask what you can do for your country.
More: WaPo's Robert Samuelson, "Obama is a Great Pretender". Janet Daley, Daily Telegraph, "Crisis shouldn't be used to revive socialism". Yuval Levin, TWS, Obama's budget ignores the economic crisis.
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