Tuesday, March 31, 2009

No Bad Countries

Does this make sense? WSJ:
Four countries designated by the U.S. as terrorism sponsors, including Iran and Syria, received $55 million from a U.S.-supported program promoting the peaceful use of nuclear energy, according to a report by Congress's investigative arm. [snip]

A top IAEA official at the Technical Cooperation program told the GAO that the program aims to engage as many countries as possible and "there are no good countries and there are no bad countries," the report said. The IAEA also said confidentiality agreements often prevent it from providing details about the projects for which countries are seeking aid.
Oh, well, that's all right then. It may just be going to fund tsetse fly eradication, much more important than stopping nuclear weapon development by terror-states.

If a nuke flattens NYC along with its headquarters the UN can congratulate itself for being non-judgmental.

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