Monday, March 16, 2009


Maybe if White House press secretary Robert Gibbs spent more time doing a professional job than engaging in cheap partisan snark he would have a better answer on some of these questions--he might even perform a public service by clueing his bosses in Obamablamegameland--who me? Jake Tapper, Political Punch:
"Two Weeks Ago: White House Says It's Confident Obama Administrations Knows How AIG Billions Are Being Spent":

From White House press secretary Robert Gibbs' briefing two weeks ago, when $30 billion in additional funds were announced for AIG.

TAPPER: AIG, is the administration confident that it, that it knows what happened to the tens of billions of dollars previously given to AIG?

GIBBS: Is it confident -- I'm sorry?

TAPPER: That they know -- that you guys know what happened to the previous billions before you hand over this next $30 billion.

GIBBS: Yes -- yes, the -- I mean...
Blah, blah, blahBama administration.

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