Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pelosi Privilege

Chris Muir on the San Francisco Dem Nancy Pelosi's sense of entitlement as House Speaker. Not the first time we have seen evidence of an Imperial Pelosi and her bid for a flying Lincoln Bedroom, all the while shortchanging our troops.

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin with more:

As I reported (yeah, we can do that, too, MSM), one of the most notable e-mail exchanges I found in the docs (which was not spotlighted in JW’s release, but could be found by anyone who actually clicked through on JW’s site to the actual records) dealt with Pelosi’s absurd demand in December 2008 (that’s just three months ago, not “early in her tenure”) that the military move her jet from San Francisco airport to Travis Air Force base (where she had “business” and where she just so happens to have a country home nearby in Napa 30 minutes away!) Queen Pelosi didn’t want to drive 1.5 hours. She demanded that the military come to her. DoD officials pointed out that this had never been done before — not even for the Defense Secretary.

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