Friday, March 27, 2009

Shock After Shock

Michael Ramirez. Shock after shock. After ditzing around for months, Geithner goes deep. WaPo's The Ticker:
In testimony before the House Financial Services committee that just adjourned, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner just had to defend his institutional takeover plan against charges of radicalism.

"Do you realize how radical your proposal is?" Rep. Donald Manzullo (R-Ill.) asked.

"It's not radical. . ." Geither began, before Manzullo interrupted him.

"You're talking about seizing private businesses and you don't consider that radical?" Manzullo replied, his voice rising.

Manzullo is trying to get Geithner to give details of the plan -- that's where Geithner got stung before -- but Geithner doesn't have them yet.

If the plan were not radical, Manzullo said to Geithner, "you would have answers to some of my questions, such as, what size business would be subject to this?"

Look, the markets just sorta stabilized with his sorta plan on the toxic turned legacy assets, and now this stuff?! The feckless, reckless power-mad Obama administration--turning our moderates into statesmen. (But wasn't The One supposed to be a moderate? omg)

Meanwhile, somehow, without anyone really noticing, the Social Security "surplus" has slipped away into nonexistence. PBS reports. PBS suddenly starts reporting news. Shock after shock.

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