Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Twisting in the Wind

No, we're not inundated--so says Obama econ adviser Christina Romer on Today this morning, but Barack Obama is not listening much to her anyway (remember--the House Republicans used her economic model, developed when she was independent of the Obama administration, and came up with a real stimulus alternative to the porkukus of twice the jobs at half the cost). William Galston of left of center TNR says our President Barack Obama needs to cut down his wish list and focus on the economy or he'll end up like Jimmy Carter. For those too young to remember, everyone who lived through his misery index of high inflation and high unemployment never wants to go through that again. I remember graduating and looking for a job--I got precisely one offer--the class the year before was in despair.

Not inundated? The G20 is coming up and the Brits organizing it can't get anyone at Treasury on the line "There is nobody there". Meanwhile, Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner appears on the Charlie Rose show---to tell us he still hasn't come up with a plan but it's coming soon. ?!!

James Pethokoukis, US News, starts off with some humor
"So, like, do you think Obama is just mean or something?" That is how a twentysomething television booker recently responded to my critique to her of the president's stimulus package and banking bailout plans.
and continues with concern that the president and his team may be suffering from cognitive bias:
Key advisers, such as Austan Goolsbee and Cass Sunstein, are from the University of Chicago, a hotbed of behavioral research, as is the president himself. How ironic, then, that Team Obama may have fallen victim to several psych-economic pitfalls.
Figure it out fast please. The economy is twisting in the wind.

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