Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Welcome Mat?

Former domestic terrorist (no it's not Barack's bomber buddy Bill Ayers this time) James Kilgore of the Symbionese Liberation Army wants to come to Illinois to serve his parole--to join his wife whom he married on the lam, a newly hired professor at the University of Illinois:
widening the vision of its core curriculum and helping to sediment a transnational Ph.D. program-in-the-making.”
Ah yes, she is teaching impressionable freshmen a "Discovery" Course this spring. How special. Let's just put out the welcome mat in Illinois to support these stellar citizens on the taxpayer's dime--Give me your murderers, your enablers, your convicted felons yearning to be free.

I think is soooo appropriate for the reigning domestic terrorist power couple in Illinois to give them a coffee.

P.S. Another unrepentant domestic terrorist in the news today, Ayers' fellow Weatherman Mark Rudd. Via Powerline, Ron Radosh on Rudd's new memoirs:
Their attempts at guerrilla warfare ended with the 1970 New York City town house bombing, which Rudd and Ayers and Dohrn all approved. Rudd is honest about its intent, emphasizing how the bomb they built was meant to kill hundreds of GIs and their dates at a Fort Dix dance. It was, he now knows, a "fantasy of revolutionary urban-guerrilla warfare," done on their own, without police agents provoking them.

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