Friday, April 03, 2009

No More Mystery

Russian President Medvedev hails our President Barack Obama "comrade"

Obama's agenda--a radical extension of the welfare state. Charles Krauthammer.

Peggy Noonan thought our President Barack Obama was a "refreshing mystery".  Perhaps that is why she supported him. Because that is what we should look for in a president, rather than look deeper.

Noonan notes conservative Republican Sen. Tom Coburn, whom the president has cited as his friend and bipartisan partner in the past, is alarmed by an Obama shift toward collectivism.

She asks--is this what the people want?

The real disgrace is that this is what Obama wanted to do all along--but he was not honest with the American people--and the MSM did not press him on it. His liberal record and radical associations were there all along. And now it is inescapable, a mystery no more.

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