Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Presidential Poison

David Ignatius, WaPo, the president has harmed the CIA, those sworn to protect him and us. Remember, it wasn't just NYC that was hit last time. How will we connect the dots now?
Sad to say, it's slow roll time at Langley after the release of interrogation memos that, in the words of one veteran officer, "hit the agency like a car bomb in the driveway." President Obama promised CIA officers that they won't be prosecuted for carrying out lawful orders, but the people on the firing line don't believe him. They think the memos have opened a new season of investigation and retribution.
Stephen Hayes, TWS, Who's politicizing intelligence now? WSJ:
Mark down the date. Tuesday, April 21, 2009, is the moment that any chance of a new era of bipartisan respect in Washington ended. By inviting the prosecution of Bush officials for their antiterror legal advice, President Obama has injected a poison into our politics that he and the country will live to regret.
Fred Thompson, audio:Yes. They are so partisan they are blind to this. Dorothy Rabinowitz, "Obama Blames America":

There is always danger in repeating propositions like this often, among them the likelihood that their irrationality will begin to make itself clear to anyone hearing it over time.

Any number of people listening to Mr. Emanuel -- those acquainted with terror's recent history, at any rate -- would have recalled, instantly, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the attack on the USS Cole, and the rest of the unending chain of terror assaults mounted against Americans long before anyone had ever heard of enhanced interrogation techniques.
More: Begala mangles facts. And Legal Insurrection weighs in.

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