Thursday, April 23, 2009

UPDATE: George Will blasts (the crap) out of Obama, Arne Duncan and the Dem Congress on school choice (below)***The private sector tracks where the stimulus money is going.

David Freddoso on stimulus transparency.

Conservatives try to fix TARP.

P.S. George Will, Obama is turning political satire into public policy.

P.P.S. The Politico is slightly skeptical of our President Barack Obama's first 100 days. And RCP looks at the historic polls here.

More: WaPo's David Broder strains mightily and comes up with this:
Barack Obama has launched a lot of initiatives but has fulfilled few of them. What he has shown -- and it is an important accomplishment in itself -- is a mastery of the art of managing the presidency.
There's more of this sort, if you can stand it. But it's really Rahmbo who's the behind the scenes here, don't you know:
Making this kaleidoscope look coherent -- and not confusing -- requires enormous discipline, and nowhere more than in the management of the White House schedule. The task and the tools were sketched for me last week by chief of staff Rahm Emanuel...

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