Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Boning Up on HealthCare

Interesting article on healthcare alternatives. How ObamaCare Will Affect Your Doctor.

This will especially impact women who need to see obstetricians.

Congress is looking at some kind of bill for July. Now's the time to look at this very, very carefully, because we may be stuck with this for the rest of our lives, even if it doesn't work, or is bitterly dehumanizing.

More: NRO on personalized healthcare vs. big govt. ObamaCare one size fits all:
Second, and more important, this binary view of effectiveness (one therapy is more effective than the other) is not compatible with the emerging notion of personalized medicine, which takes individuals’ genomic structures into account. Personalized medicine may teach us that while therapy A works better in the aggregate, therapy B might be better for some individuals based on their unique DNA. We have made great strides in bringing about personalized medicine in recent years, particularly through the unlocking of the human genome, but the technological challenges may pale before the policy obstacles that cost-cutters could place in personalized medicine’s path.
Previous posts: Quality and Access, Govt Health "Care", Tackling Health Care

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