Thursday, May 07, 2009

Colin Powell Attacks GOP

Mark Steyn on Hannity's show in response. Video below. Why is a distinguished American like Colin Powell attacking GOP commentators, and Gov. Sarah Palin? It really diminishes him, and frankly, joining Obama and the Dems in demonizing individuals with differing opinions is doing America a disservice.

I would just add, Rush is very smart and has a wicked sense of humor--he is not a politician and doesn't aspire to be. Yes, he does entertain, but he is a brilliant political commentator--well-informed and substantive. And principled.P.S. I would also say I think the Beltway careerists should give it a rest and listen to the heartland for a change. As Steyn mentioned in the video, the Tea Parties arose in truly grassroots fashion. That is the way forward for true bipartisanship--bringing this country together to stop this enormous spending binge which will burden our children and grandchildren with crushing, soul-destroying debt.

You know, we haven't even dealt with the bankrupt Boomer entitlement burden yet and already we've spent TRILLIONS.

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