Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Divine The One?

Perhaps we can just relax, we're in good hands, he's got the whole world in his hands. Dana Milbank, WaPo:
Maybe Barack Obama really is The One.

Yesterday's news was good -- almost supernaturally so.
And oil prices are down. Good news for which we can all be thankful. But there are some smudges on the horizon. Lemon pledge may not be enough to clean it up. Wes Pruden asks, Would you buy a car from Obama? FDR chronicler Amity Shlaes with some cautionary tales:
In short, Obama speaks beautifully but is on his way to a “D” grade when it comes to making the U.S. attractive for international investment, a fact the Chinese are already noting by shopping for non-U.S. bonds. 

The Democrats of 2009 are showing less awareness than their predecessors did in President Bill Clinton’s time on the importance of low taxes and reasonable regulation. Only these permit strong growth, a point made articulately by none other than Bachmann herself, in the now-infamous “Hoot-Smalley” TV clip.
Congressman Mark Kirk (R-10th) spoke out again the other day, China has already cancelled our credit card. 

And putting politics over the good of the country is a dangerous business.

We're moving into a world of hurt unless we value those individuals and policies that have kept us safe and the individual, not government, enterprise that will grow our future.

More: The American Caesar. Political pornography. Michael Knox Beran, NRO.

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