"No, there's no chance at all, for heaven's sake. If [Minority Leader Tom Cross] wants a few more opportunities on the floor of the Illinois House, he better do a better job electing Republicans."
-- House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie (D-Chicago), ridiculing Cross' suggestion that members of the Illinois Reform Commission testify before the House on their proposals for cleaning up Illinois government.
We voters are in debt to Majority Leader Currie, who serves two constituencies -- House Speaker Michael Madigan and the people who live in her district. In a single quotation that appeared in Thursday's Tribune, Currie betrayed the cover-your-caucus instinct that could keep a serious reform package from becoming law.Demand reform now. Tribune editorial.
Does Honest Abe only belong to Lincoln's GOP then?
Illinois, harboring a criminal enterprise at the highest levels, a machine so intent on power and greed major players didn't flinch at extorting money from a children's hospital.
Do we have no sense of shame, can we look our children in the eye if we leave this corrupt legacy for them? Call your legislators, ask for their pledge to vote for real reform now.
Prove we're still the Land of Lincoln.
And if they don't vote for reform now, vote them out.
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