Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Retired Terrorist" Ayers

Apparently Bill Ayers has encountered some sentient beings on his book tour, getting a valid question from the Washington Times. (Video) For an educator he is an exceptionally boorish person. But then he used to make nail bombs. To kill people.

HT Matthew Vadum, The American Spectator, who describes Ayers as a "retired terrorist" and swats him on his Kool-Aid remark. Yes, he's definitely getting long in the tooth, a prime exemplar of an aging hippie.

But has he been rehabilitated?

P.S. I wonder to whom Ayers dedicated this book? I mean, how to top Sirhan, Sirhan? Perhaps his lovely wife the former domestic terrorist Bernardine Dohrn? Perhaps our President Barack Obama? Guess I'll have to see if it's at my local book store. But not filthy capitalist lucre for this commie from me. I'm already forced to pay his U of I prof salary.

Previous posts: Ayers-Dohrn Road Show, The God Damn America Duo, Bill Ayers and his Acolytes

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