Tuesday, May 26, 2009

States Assert Sovereignty

Wow. It's not a dusty document any more, it's a debate over the 10th amendment, come to the fore with the most recent incursions from the federal Big Brother Government:
Fed up with Washington's involvement in everything from land use to gun control to education spending, states across the country are fighting back against what they say is the federal government's growing intrusion on their rights.

At least 35 states have introduced legislation this year asserting their power under the Tenth Amendment to regulate all matters not specifically delegated to the federal government by the Constitution.
I first noticed the phrase with Governor Sarah Palin referring to Alaska as the sovereign state of Alaska in a statement of concern about the administration's plans to abandon missile defense.

You couple this with the unprecedented Tea Party protests and you may have the beginnings of a broad-based movement that could translate into ballot box power.

HT Chicago News Bench.

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